SIAM Workshop on Network Science (NS22) September 13-15, 2022
Virtual Workshop
The workshop will be held remotely and will include keynote presentations, contributed talks, and lightning talks. To facilitate participation from different time zones, each day the activities will start at 10:00am and end by 3:15pm EDT. Participation is open to the entire community (not only to SIAM members), but registration is required.
Network science is concerned with the structure and dynamics of graphs (and generalizations of graphs), dynamical processes on such graphs, and the design and analysis algorithms that compute with and on them. The goal of the SIAM Network Science workshop is to promote cross-fertilization and new research among the communities that study and apply networks, both inside and outside SIAM.
Keynote Speakers
- Francesco Bullo, University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.
- Vittoria Colizza, INSERM and Sorbonne University, France.
- Melanie Weber, Harvard University, U.S.
- Abstract submission: June 20 – July 28, 2022
- Registration for presenters: July 28 – September 1, 2022
- Registration for non-presenters: July 28 – September 10, 2022
- Workshop: September 13 – 15, 2022
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now closed.
- Undergraduate and graduate students: $25
- Academic early-career researchers: $35
- Professors and senior researchers: $50
- Industry and government professionals: $50
Registration is now closed.
Outstanding Talk Awards
A team of experts selected three contributed and three lightning talks of the workshop for Outstanding Talk Awards. The evaluation criteria entailed content and delivery, with special attention to talks given by early-career researchers not associated with the organization of the event. The awardees of each category are included below and have received $250 USD each.
Lightning talk awardees:
- Xue Gong for the talk “Generative Hypergraph Models and Spectral Embedding” (joint work with Desmond John Higham and Konstantinos Zygalakis).
- Silvia Rognone for the talk "Characterisation of Large Spatial Motifs in Random Colouring Processes" (joint work with Vincenzo Nicosia).
- Mateusz Wilinski for the talk "Network Reconstruction from Noisy and Incomplete Spreading Dynamics" (joint work with Andrey Y. Lokhov).
- Massimo Achterberg for the talk "Mean-Field Approximations of SIS Epidemics on Adaptive Networks" (joint work with Piet Van Mieghem).
- Jonas L. Juul for the talk "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Cascades - or Simply Larger?" (joint work with Johan Ugander).
- Leo Torres for the talk "Percolation in the Presence of Eigenvector Localization."
All times in the US Eastern Daylight Time.
Tuesday, September 13
Wednesday, September 14
Session Chair | Time | Content |
Renaud Lambiotte | 10:00am-10:05am | Introduction |
10:05am-10:45am | Controlling SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Schools. |
10:45am-11:00am | Takayuki Hiraoka, Herd Immunity and Epidemic Size in Networks with Vaccination Homophily. |
11:00am-11:15am | Mean-Field Approximations of SIS Epidemics on Adaptive Networks. |
11:15am-11:30am | Empirical Social Triad Statistics Can Be Explained with Dyadic Homophylic Interactions. |
11:30am-12:00pm | Break | |
Anna Nagurney | 12:00pm-12:15pm | Socially-Enhanced Discovery Processes. |
12:15pm-12:30pm | Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Cascades - or Simply Larger? |
12:30pm-12:45pm | Sandpile Cascades on Oscillator Networks: the BTW Model Meets Kuramoto. |
12:45pm-1:00pm | Complex Networks of Lossy Oscillators: Multistability, Anomalies, and Loop Flows in Power Grids. |
Renaud Lambiotte | 1:00pm-1:45pm | Lightning Talks + Discussion II
1:45pm-2:15pm | Break | |
Adilson E. Motter | 2:15pm-2:30pm | Do Amplifiers of Selection Maximise Average Fitness? |
2:30pm-2:45pm | Dolores Bernenko, Scale-Dependent Landscape of Semi-Nested Community Structures of 3D Chromosome Contact Networks. |
2:45pm-3:00pm | MuXTalk: Detecting and Dissecting Signaling Crosstalk via Multilayer Networks. |
3:00pm-3:15pm | The Multiplex Decomposition: An Analytic Framework for Multilayer Dynamical Networks. |
Thursday, September 15
Workshop Organization
If you have questions or concerns, please email the co-chairs:
- Adilson E. Motter, Northwestern University, U.S.
- Renaud Lambiotte, University of Oxford, U.K.
Organizing Committee: Reka Albert, Kristen M. Altenburger, Mariano Beguerisse-Díaz, Igor V. Belykh, Ginestra Bianconi, David Bindel, Aaron Clauset, Catherine Cramer, Manlio De Domenico, Raissa D'Souza, Ernesto Estrada, Yulia R. Gel, Michelle Girvan, David F. Gleich, Thilo Gross, Heather Harrington, Petter Holme, Desislava Hristova, Krešimir Josić, Hiroshi Kori, Linyuan Lü, Dina Mistry, Peter J. Mucha, Anna Nagurney, Mason A. Porter, Michael T. Schaub, Alice C. Schwarze, Sara A. Solla, Dane Taylor, Andreia S. Teixeira, Johan Ugander, and Yuanzhao Zhang.
Steering Committee: Aric Hagberg, Madhav Marathe, Ali Pinar (Chair), and Blair Sullivan.
Workshop assistants: Shazia Babul, Timothy LaRock, Sofia Medina, Nicola Pedreschi, and Yu Tian.
Webmaster: Yanxuan (Charlotte) Shao.
The background network image is from Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 248302 2017.